Indoor pollutants and air purifier choosing

Indoor pollutants and air purifier choosing

Main Indoor pollutants

Indoor pollutants and air purifier choosing 1

Indoor pollutants and air purifier choosing 1

    Nowadays, more and more people begin to know that air pollution is a main issue related with allergies and some respiratory diseases.

Beyond your thinking, the household environment much more contaminants. Dusts and hairs are the among the common pollutants, if you have pets, then you have danders and mold inside without a doubt.

Through the window or your clothes, pollens enter your room.

    In todays’ life, we often use some sealing materials, for example weather stripping, which could help us, but on the other hand, is easily to get stuck for the indoor pollutants.

In your HVAC ducts there is some fungus growing when you have long time in wet environment. Without the smelly feeling of the odors, maybe you even could not conceive the numerous kinds of pollutants.

The dust, mold, pollen, smoke, dander, and the bacteria, virus, fungus, are often overlooked by us. But in fact, they are all around us anywhere. Fortunately, we now have air purifiers to help us alleviate the polluting problems.

 Air purifier choosing

Indoor pollutants and air purifier choosing 2

Indoor pollutants and air purifier choosing 2

    As the indoor pollutants are in varied forms, the room air purifiers have different technologies to target the pollutants. But they are effective to some kinds air pollutants, to others, may not.

On todays’ market, there exists 5 main technologies to clean air, namely, Activated Carbon Filter, HEPA Filter, Ionic technology, Ultraviolet technology and Ozone technology.

    Activated Carbon Filter has effect in removing Odors, kitchen smoke, gases and fumes, it has good performance to help you filtering the unpleasant smells.

But then, coming to dust, micro-organisms and allergens, Activated Carbon Filter does not work well. And you need to replace or wash the filter when it is full.

    HEPA filter works very well in capturing pollen, spores, mold, dust, hair and some bacteria. The real HEPA filter could remove 99.97% of all pollutants as tiny as 0.3 microns in size.

The disadvantages are this technology not effective to odors, gases and viruses. In addition, HEPA filter is a little expensive and you need to replace it after around 12 to 18 months. Some HEPA filters could be vacuumed and be used again and some are not.

    The ionic technology air purifiers are good at removing viruses, bacteria and smoke, causing them clump together and fall to the collecting plate or the ground. The weak side is that they do not work to odors, chemicals, and they could not kill germs, and common viruses.

    The Ultraviolet is the most effect method in killing micro-organisms, such as viruses, Bacteria, pathogens. While on the other hand, it does not work on gases or odors, and allergens. And the bulb need to be replaced annually.

    Ozone air purifier has strong function in filtering odors, cigarette smoke, and destroying some kinds of chemicals and bacteria. But, on the opposite side, Ozone is smelly to some people. And according to some experts, Ozone has bad influence in peoples’ throat and respiratory diseases patients.

    So, as you can see, we have so many air cleaning technologies, but none of them solve all the air polluting problems in one stop.

When we choosing air purifiers we need to do some research and get clear which air pollutants rank the first place that we need to handle with.

And always try to buy an air purifiers have a relative complete function in most of the aspects. And read some home air purifier reviews before you make your order.

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